KMID : 1013220170150020086
Jouranl of the Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology 2017 Volume.15 No. 2 p.86 ~ p.93
Analysis of Poisoning Patients Using 2016 ED Based Injury in-depth Surveillance Data
Chung Sung-Phil
Lee Mi-Jin Kang Hyung-Goo Oh Bum-Jin Kim Hyun Kim Yang-Weon Chun Byeong-Jo Kim Kyung-Hwan
Purpose: Some advanced countries reported annual statistics for poisoning based on data from poison control centers. This study was to propose a baseline format and statistics of poisoning in Korea from national representative database.
Methods: This study was a retrospective analysis of the patient whose injury mechanism was poisoning from the 2016-year data from emergency department (ED) based injury in-depth surveillance project by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Bite or sting injury were not included. Variables related to poisoning were summarized with the similar format of the National Poison Data System in the United States.
Results: Total of 7,820 poisoning patients presented to 23 EDs. The adults ¡Ã20 years were consisted of 84%. The proportion of intentional poisoning was 59.4%. The poisoning substances were the most common in therapeutic drugs (45%), gas (21%), pesticides (15%), and artificial toxic substance (13%), in order. The 34.5% of patients were admitted to further treatment. The mortality was 3.2% (248 cases), and common causative substances were carbon monoxide, glyphosate, paraquat, in order.
Conclusion: This study showed the recent status of poisoning in Korea. However, comprehensive poisoning registry based on poison control centers may be required for more accurate national statistics in the future.
Annual reports, Drug overdose, Poisoning
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