KMID : 1013220200180010047
Jouranl of the Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology 2020 Volume.18 No. 1 p.47 ~ p.50
A Case of Ischemic Stroke in Young Patient Associated with Marijuana Use
Ha Su-Young
Kang Dong-Wan Lee Seung-Hoon
A 21-year-old female patient complaining of hemiparesis was diagnosed with right middle cerebral artery infarction. No risk factor was found, despite an extensive young-age stroke work-up, except her history of marijuana use. The patient had smoked marijuana for treating depression for more than five years. Magnetic resonance angiography showed multifocal intra- and extracranial stenoses, suggesting cannabinoid-induced vasculopathy. Since the use of illicit drugs has increased nationwide, physicians should consider it as a possible cause of a stroke due to an unknown etiology.
Marijuana , Cryptogenic stroke , Multifocal arterial stenosis
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