KMID : 1013220210190010051
Jouranl of the Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology 2021 Volume.19 No. 1 p.51 ~ p.54
Delayed death after chlorfenapyr poisoning
Lee Jang-Young
Chlorfenapyr is a widely used insecticide, that is very lethal if ingested. It exhibits delayed toxicity in which there are few symptoms at first which suddenly worsen after a few days. A 66-year-old female patient ingested about 90 mL of chlorfenapyr liquid hydrating agent (Chlofenapyr 10%) and showed stable vital signs with no specific symptoms and findings other than a mild fever, vomiting, and nausea. From the 3rd day of ingestion, creatine kinase was high, and rhabdomyolysis was suspected. From the 4th day of ingestion, pancreatic enzymes began to gradually increase. A diffusion-weighted image showed a multifocal high signal intensity in the white matter and corpus callosum area. On the 8th day after ingestion, she suffered a high fever and a heart attack and died. Thus, if a patient is suspected of taking chlorfenapyr, he/she needs active treatment and monitoring even if he/she does not exhibit any symptoms.
Chlorfenapyr, Insecticide, Poisoning, Hyperthermia, Death
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