KMID : 1024020110410020071
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2011 Volume.41 No. 2 p.71 ~ p.78
Fractal analysis of mandibular trabecular bone: optimal tile sizes for the tile counting method
Huh Kyung-Hoe
Baik Jee-Seon Yi Won-Jin Heo Min-Suk Lee Sam-Sun Choi Soon-Chul Lee Sun-Bok Lee Seung-Pyo
Purpose: This study was performed to determine the optimal tile size for the fractal dimension of the mandibular trabecular bone using a tile counting method.
Materials and Methods: Digital intraoral radiographic images were obtained at the mandibular angle, molar, premolar, and incisor regions of 29 human dry mandibles. After preprocessing, the parameters representing morphometric characteristics of the trabecular bone were calculated. The fractal dimensions of the processed images were analyzed in various tile sizes by the tile counting method.
Results: The optimal range of tile size was 0.132 mm to 0.396 mm for the fractal dimension using the tile counting method. The sizes were closely related to the morphometric parameters.
Conclusion: The fractal dimension of mandibular trabecular bone, as calculated with the tile counting method, can be best characterized with a range of tile sizes from 0.132 to 0.396 mm.
Fractals, Dental Digital Radiograph, Trabecular Meshwork
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