KMID : 1024020110410030123
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2011 Volume.41 No. 3 p.123 ~ p.128
Interventional radiography in management of high-flow arteriovenous malformation of maxilla: report of a case
Neha Khambete
Mukund Risbud Nikit Mehta
Arteriovenous malformations are extremely rare conditions in that can result from abnormalities in the structure of blood vessels, which may be potentially fatal. A 30-year-old female patient visited our hospital with a complaint of swelling on the right maxillary posterior gingiva along with the large port-wine stain on right side of face. On clinical examination, the swelling was compressible and pulsatile. Radiographic examination revealed a lytic lesion of maxilla. Diagnostic angiography revealed a high-flow arteriovenous malformation of maxilla which was treated by selective transarterial embolization of maxillary artery using polyvinyl alcohol particles.
Arteriovenous Malformations, Maxilla, Interventional Radiography, Angiography
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