KMID : 1024020110410040151
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2011 Volume.41 No. 4 p.151 ~ p.153
Description of mandibular bone quality based on measurements of cortical thickness using Mental Index of male and female patients between 40-60 years old
Sylviana Hardanti
Azhari Fahmi Oscandar
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to obtain the description of the mandibular bone quality of male and female patients between 40-60 years old and their differences based on mandibular cortical bone thickness measured using Mental Index (MI).
Materials and Methods: Forty digital panoramic radiographs, which consisted of twenty male and twenty female patients, 40-60 years old, were observed. Mandibular cortical bone thickness was measured using MI on both sides of the mandible. The average MI score of two groups were then assessed using t-sample independent test.
Results: There were significant differences of mandibular bone quality based on mandibular cortical bone thickness measurement using MI between male and female patients (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Mandibular bone quality based on cortical bone thickness measurement using MI of male and female patients indicated a significant difference.
Panoramic Radiography, Mandible, Osteoporosis
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