KMID : 1024020110410040161
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2011 Volume.41 No. 4 p.161 ~ p.165
Extraoral periapical radiography: an alternative approach to intraoral periapical radiography
Rahul Kumar
Neha Khambete Ekta Priya
It is difficult to take intraoral radiographs in some patients who are intolerable to place the film in their mouth. For these patients, Newman and Friedman recommended a new technique of extraoral film placement. Here we report various cases that diagnostic imaging was performed in patients using the extraoral periapical technique. This technique was used to obtain the radiographs for the patients with severe gag reflex, pediatric dental patients, and patients with restricted mouth opening. This technique can be recommended as an alternative to conventional intraoral periapical technique in cases where intraoral film placement is difficult to achieve.
Dental Radiography, Technology, Radiologic
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