KMID : 1024020120420030191
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2012 Volume.42 No. 3 p.191 ~ p.195
Lipomatosis: a diverse form of hemifacial hyperplasia
Arora Preeti Chawla
Umarji Hemant R. Arora Aman Ramaswami Easwaran
A case of hemifacial hyperplasia that presented with muscular, skeletal, and dental hyperplasia along with lipomatous infiltration was described. Advanced imaging was useful in identifying the lipomatous infiltration present in the lesion, which raises the possibility of lipomatosis having a diverse presentation in hemifacial hyperplasia. As there was a scarcity of related literature in the field of dentomaxillofacial radiology, this report would make us familiar with its computed tomographic and magnetic resonance image findings.
Hemifacial Myohyperplasia, Lipomatosis, Facial Asymmetry
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