KMID : 1024020170470020129
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2017 Volume.47 No. 2 p.129 ~ p.133
Dentinogenesis imperfecta type II: A case report with 17 years of follow-up
Gama Francisco Jose Reis
Correa Isabella Sousa Valerio Claudia Scigliano De Fatima Ferreira Emanuelle Manzi Flavio Ricardo
Dentinogenesis imperfecta is a dominant autosomal hereditary disorder of dentin formation that affects the deciduous and permanent teeth. Its etiology is characterized by inadequate cell differentiation during odontogenesis. The clinical characteristics of dentinogenesis imperfecta are discolored teeth with a translucency that varies from gray to brown or amber. Radiographically, the teeth exhibit pulp obliteration, thin and short roots, bell-shaped crowns, and periapical bone rarefaction. The aim of this report was to present a case of dentinogenesis imperfecta type II that was followed up over a 17-year period. This report also presents scanning electron microscopy images of the enamel and dentin, showing that both were altered in the affected teeth. The disease characteristics and the treatments that were administered are reported in this study to guide dentists with respect to the need for early diagnosis and adequate follow-up to avoid major sequelae.
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta, Dental Enamel, Dentin, Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
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