KMID : 1024020180480010031
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2018 Volume.48 No. 1 p.31 ~ p.39
Effect of field-of-view size on gray values derived from cone-beam computed tomography compared with the Hounsfield unit values from multidetector computed tomography scans
Shokri Abbas
Ramezani Leila Bidgoli Mohsen Akbarzadeh Mahdi Ghazikhanlu-Sani Karim Fallahi-Sichani Hamed
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of field-of-view (FOV) size on the gray values derived from conebeam computed tomography (CBCT) compared with the Hounsfield unit values from multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scans as the gold standard.
Materials and Methods: A radiographic phantom was designed with 4 acrylic cylinders. One cylinder was filled with distilled water, and the other 3 were filled with 3 types of bone substitute: namely, Nanobone, Cenobone, and Cerabone. The phantom was scanned with 2 CBCT systems using 2 different FOV sizes, and 1 MDCT system was used as the gold standard. The mean gray values (MGVs) of each cylinder were calculated in each imaging protocol.
Results: In both CBCT systems, significant differences were noted in the MGVs of all materials between the 2 FOV sizes (P<.05) except for Cerabone in the Cranex3D system. Significant differences were found in the MGVs of each material compared with the others in both FOV sizes for each CBCT system. No significant difference was seen between the Cranex3D CBCT system and the MDCT system in the MGVs of bone substitutes on images obtained with a small FOV.
Conclusion: The size of the FOV significantly changed the MGVs of all bone substitutes, except for Cerabone in the Cranex3D system. Both CBCT systems had the ability to distinguish the 3 types of bone substitutes based on a comparison of their MGVs. The Cranex3D CBCT system used with a small FOV had a significant correlation with MDCT results.
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, Multidetector Computed Tomography, Bone Density
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