KMID : 1024020180480020079
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2018 Volume.48 No. 2 p.79 ~ p.86
Comparison of conventional imaging techniques and CBCT for periodontal evaluation: A systematic review
Choi Isabela Goulart Gil
Cortes Arthur Rodriguez Gonzalez Arita Emiko Saito Georgetti Marco Antonio Pauperio
Purpose: This study aimed to carry out a systematic review of studies in the literature comparing conventional imaging techniques with cone-beam computed tomography in terms of the role of these techniques for assessing any of the following periodontal conditions and parameters: infrabony defects, furcation involvement, height of the alveolar bone crest, and the periodontal ligament space.
Materials and Methods: Interventional and observational studies comparing conventional imaging techniques with cone-beam computed tomography were considered eligible for inclusion. The MEDLINE and Embase databases were searched for articles published through 2017. The PRISMA statement was followed during data assessment and extraction.
Results: The search strategy yielded 351 publications. An initial screening of the publications was performed using abstracts and key words, and after the application of exclusion criteria, 13 studies were finally identified as eligible for review.
Conclusion: These studies revealed cone-beam computed tomography to be the best imaging technique to assess infrabony defects, furcation lesions, the height of the alveolar bone crest, and the periodontal ligament space.
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, Radiology, Diagnosis, Oral, Periodontics
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