KMID : 1024020190490030251
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2019 Volume.49 No. 3 p.251 ~ p.256
Condylar jugular diverticulum: A report of 3 cases
Jagtap Rohan
Wazzan Taggreed Hansen Matthew Kashtwari Deeba
Jugular bulb diverticulum is an irregular extension of the jugular bulb into the temporal bone that may be symptomatic or asymptomatic. The jugular bulb has rarely been reported to extend into the occipital condyle; such extension is termed a condylar jugular diverticulum and is characterized as a defect in the occipital condyle contiguous with the jugular bulb. This report details 3 cases of condylar jugular diverticulum. Extension of the jugular bulb into the ipsilateral occipital condyle was noted as an incidental finding on cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) images of 3 patients. All 3 patients were asymptomatic, and this finding was unrelated to the initial area of interest. CBCT use is becoming ubiquitous in dentistry, as it allows 3-dimensional evaluation, unlike conventional radiography. Proper interpretation of the entire CBCT is essential, and recognition of the indicators of condylar jugular diverticulum may prevent misdiagnosis of this rare entity.
Radiology, Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, Growth and Development, Jugular Veins, Diverticulum, Temporal Bone
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