KMID : 1024020200500040373
Imaging Science in Dentistry 2020 Volume.50 No. 4 p.373 ~ p.376
Ameloblastoma with dystrophic calcification: A case report with 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomographic images of calcification
Kang Byung-Cheol
Lee Jae-Seo Yoon Suk-Ja Kim Young
This report presents a rare case of ameloblastoma with histopathologic and radiographic calcification, including 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) images. A 22-year-old woman had hard swelling on the right mandible. Panoramic and CBCT images showed multilocular radiolucencies with internal calcification foci in the right mandible. Three-dimensional images clearly showed varying-sized radiopacities within the lesion from various angles. A histopathologic examination showed central squamous differentiation and more densely packed peripheral palisading ameloblastic cells. Many areas of keratin pearls and calcifications were also seen. Four previous reports have described 5 cases of ameloblastoma showing histopathologic calcification. This might be the first report to present the calcification of ameloblastoma on panoramic and CBCT images, especially on 3-dimensional images.
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, Ameloblastoma, Calcification
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