This experiment was performed to investigate the electrocardiographic changes in experimentally induced hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia in Korean black goats by dosing with 5% disodiumethylene diamine tetraacetic acid at 0.07§¢/kg body weight/min and 10% Ca-borog-luconate at 0.075 §¢/kg body weight/min, respectively. the result were summarized as follows£º Heart rate, S-T segment and Q-Tc interval at 3.23 ¡¾ 0.10mEq/L plasma calcium level(hypocalcemia) were increased to 100¡¾10.5 rate/min, 132 ¡¾10msec and 510¡¾40msec, respectively. Heart rate, S-T segment and Q-T interval at 6.89¡¾0.23mEq/L plasma calcium level(hypercalcemia) were decreased to 73.2¡¾5.16 rate/min, 87¡¾10msec and 372¡¾30msec, respectively. The degree of changes of the heart rate, S-T segment and Q-Tc interval at low plasma calcium level was higher than those at high plasma calcium level.