KMID : 1147720110040010001
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2011 Volume.4 No. 1 p.1 ~ p.4
Is Cupping an Effective Treatment? An Overview of Systematic Reviews
Lee Myeong-Soo
Kim Jong-In Ernst Edzard
Several systematic reviews (SRs) have assessed the effectiveness of cupping for a range of conditions. Our aim was to provide a critical evaluation and summary of these data. Electronic searches were conducted to locate all SRs concerning cupping for any condition. Data were extracted by two authors according to predefined criteria. Five SRs met our inclusion criteria, which related to the following conditions: pain conditions, stroke rehabilitation, hypertension, and herpes zoster. The numbers of studies included in each SR were small. Relatively clear evidence emerged only for one indication, that cupping may be effective for reducing pain. Based on evidence from the currently available SRs, the effectiveness of cupping has been demonstrated only as a treatment for pain, and even for this indication doubts remain.
cupping, effectiveness, evidence, folk medicine, systematic review
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