KMID : 1147720110040030175
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2011 Volume.4 No. 3 p.175 ~ p.182
Synthesis of Fuzzy Logic for Prediction and Medical Diagnostics by Energy Characteristics of Acupuncture Points
Al-Kasasbeh Riad
Korenevskiy Nikolay Ionescou Florin Alshamasin Mahdi Kuzmin Alexander
A great number of reflexologies use ancient concepts that do not coincide with modern medical terminology of anatomy, physiology, and biophysics, substantially reducing the trust of today¡¯s physicians in this direction of their profession. Recently, several mathematical models of internal and biological active points of meridian structures interaction have been proposed. These models allowed specification of diseases for which reflex diagnostics and reflex therapy methods are most effective and also increased the efficacy of these procedures. Good results for the prediction and early diagnosis of diseases from the reaction energy of biologically active points (acupuncture points) are obtained using fuzzy logic decision making.
acupuncture points, confidence factors, diagnostically important points (DIP), fuzzy logic, heart disease, membership functions, stomach diseases
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