KMID : 1147720130060020119
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2013 Volume.6 No. 2 p.119 ~ p.123
Treating Balance Disorders by Ultra-Low-Level Laser Stimulation of Acupoints
Gallamini Michele
Background: Balance disorders, a widespread problem in the senior population, are very often related to painful musculoskeletal disabilities and/or to degenerative neurologic pathologies. In a previous work, we investigated the beneficial effects of acupuncture such as laser photobiostimulation, regardless of the etiological origin of the balance dysfunction.
Aims: Attention was focused on two individuals showing balance deficits with different etiologies. One healthy control individual was receiving treatment, one healthy control individual did not receive any treatment. Balance performances were measured before and after ultra-low-level laser (ULLL) stimulation as a basis for the design of further investigations.
Methods: Romberg's parameters were measured on a force platform. Of the four tested individuals, one showed dizziness symptoms, one was affected by a mild form of Parkinson's disease, and two showed no dysfunction and were used as controls.
Results: It was found that a ULLL stimulation of peripheral Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture points can be effective, regardless of the pathology.
Discussion: A specific clinical analysis of the stability of the beneficial result as a function of homogeneous groups of dysfunctional individuals is needed.
acupoint, balance, laser acupuncture, Romberg, stabilometry
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