KMID : 1147720140070010033
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014 Volume.7 No. 1 p.33 ~ p.43
Development and Evaluation of a Multi-frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Analyzer for Estimating Acupoint Composition
Kim Soo-Byeong
Lee Na-Ra Shin Tae-Min Lee Yong-Heum
The purpose of this study was to suggest a new method of estimating acupoint compositions by using a multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MF-BIA) method at 5 kHz, 50 kHz and 200 kHz within 2 cm of acupoints divided into local segments. To verify the system developed, we confirmed the stable occurrence of a constant current at every frequency, regardless of the impedance connected to the electrodes. Moreover, we found left and right distal bicep brachii aponeurosis to be identical by using ultrasound imaging, and we analyzed the repeatability of the findings by making 10 consecutive sets of measurements (p > 0.05). To evaluate the practical use of the acupoint composition, we used the MF-BIA analyzer to measure the left and right LU3, LU4, and LU9 at the lung meridian. We confirmed that the potentials generated were equal to the changes in the cell membrane function, which were caused by the applied frequency (p < 0.01). We also verified that the MF-BIA analyzer measurements corresponded to the acupoint components by comparing the left and right potentials generated (p > 0.05). Hence, we conclude that the MF-BIA analyzer can be used to estimate the acupoint composition based on the acupoint state.
acupoint, acupoint potential, bio-ion, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
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