KMID : 1147720150080060288
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2015 Volume.8 No. 6 p.288 ~ p.293
Number Density of Mast Cells in the Primo Nodes of Rats
Gil Hyun-Ji
Bae Kyoung-Hee Kim Li-Jung Kim Sung-Chul Soh Kwang-Sup
Mast cells (MCs) play a major role in allergic reactions. Surprisingly, the acupuncture points have a higher density of MCs compared with nonacupoints in the skin, which is consistent with the augmentation of the immune function by acupuncture treatment. We hypothesized that the primo vascular system (PVS), which was proposed as the anatomical structure of the acupuncture points and meridians, should have a high density of MCs. In order to test that hypothesis, we investigated the primo nodes isolated from the surfaces of internal organs, such as the liver, the small and the large intestines, and the bladder. The harvested primo nodes were stained with toluidine blue, and the MCs were easily recognized by their red?purple stains and their characteristic granules. The results showed a high density of MCs in the primo nodes and confirmed the hypothesis. The MCs were uniformly distributed in the nodes. The relative concentration of the MCs with respect to other cells was ¡15%. We divided the sizes of the primo nodes into three classes: large, medium, and small. The number density and the relative concentration of MCs did not show a size-dependence. The current work suggests that the PVS may participate in the immune response to allergic inflammation, which closely involves MCs.
acupuncture, allergy, immune system, mast cell, primo vascular system, toluidine blue
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