KMID : 1147720150080060321
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2015 Volume.8 No. 6 p.321 ~ p.328
Protocol for Detecting the Primo Vascular System in the Lymph Ducts of Mice
Park Su-Youn
Jung Sharon Ji-Yoon Bae Kyoung-Hee Soh Kwang-Sup
The primo vascular system (PVS), which is the proposed conduit for the acupuncture Qi, is a complex network distributed throughout an animal's body. However, even with a microscope, it is not easily detectable because of its transparency. Thus, its existence is largely unknown in current anatomy. A convincing demonstration of its existence is needed. The lymph-primo vessel (PV), which is a subsystem of the PVS, is a very effective visual demonstration of the PVS. The lymph-PVS is a mobile threadlike structure floating in lymph ducts that has been observed in rabbits, rats, and mice by several independent teams. The involved techniques are novel and rather complicated; therefore, we have already provided detailed protocols for the surgery; for the injection of the staining dye; and for the detection, extraction, and identification of the PVS in rabbits and rats. However, the mouse is one of the most important laboratory animals used for various biomedical research purposes. For the convenience of researchers who wish to initiate the PVS experiments in mice, we provide a shortened version of the protocol, despite many similarities with previously published protocols. Thus, researcher can easily obtain the samples of the lymph-PVS of mice.
Alcian blue, lymph, mouse, primo node, primo vascular system, primo vessel
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