KMID : 1218220110030010043
Korean Journal of Pediatric Urology 2011 Volume.3 No. 1 p.43 ~ p.46
Unilateral Neonatal Torsion of the Testis
Ji Young-Hwan
Lee Yong-Jik Kim Young-Min Park Sung-Chan
Intrauterine torsion of the testis (IUTT) is a relatively rare condition. The precise etiology of IUTT is unknown. We report a 2-week-old male presenting with a hard mass in the right testicle that had existed since birth. Color Doppler ultrasonography revealed heterogeneous echogenicity in the right testis with absent vascularity and ipsilateral scrotal
wall thickening. Surgical exploration with an inguinal incision was performed in order to exclude the presence of a testicular tumor. A severe inflammatory adhesion was found around the dartos layer. Radical orhciectomy was performed and the microscopic examination findings were consistent with testicular torsion.
Neonate, Testicular torsion
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