KMID : 1218220110030020081
Korean Journal of Pediatric Urology 2011 Volume.3 No. 2 p.81 ~ p.83
A Case of Polyorchidism in Child with Cryptorchidism
Bae Kwon-Ho
Kong Hyuk-Jun Park Yu-Jun Park Jae-Shin
Polyorchidism is an uncommon congenital anomaly and defined as the presence of more than two testes in unilateral scrotum. Until now, less than 100 cases were reported in the literature. The most common type is triple testes or triorchidism presenting with two homolateral testes and one contralateral testis. We report a case of polyorchidism in a 6-year-old cryptorchid boy which was managed with orchiopexy of two testes in left scrotum and followed up for 1 year.
Polyorchidism, Testis, Anomaly
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