KMID : 0356719980140030675
Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology 1998 Volume.14 No. 3 p.675 ~ p.679
An Adult with Symptomatic Isolated Cecocolic Nonrotation
Jung Seo-Jin
Park Seong-Heum Yoon Seo-Koo Park Chi-Goo Choi Kyung-Woo
On the contrary to congenital anomalies of intestinal rotation in pediatric patients, those in adults are generally nonsymptomatic and of little consequence. Occasionally, however, an adult may have midgut nonrotation and complain of chronic or recurrent abdominal pain. Intestinal nonrotation can be divided into complete or partial failure of rotation and into abnormalities affecting the proximal segment, the distal segment or both. We report herein a 43-year old female patient with symptomatic partial, cecocolic nonrotation.
Cecocolic nonrotation, Adult
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