KMID : 0356919940270040411
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1994 Volume.27 No. 4 p.411 ~ p.414
Postoperative Convulsion in Pediatric Sugical Patient
Dilutional hyponatremia as one of the postoperative complications shows around 0.34% in pediatric patients, of which iatrogenic administration of salt-free water is the major cause. Aggressive management should be performed if neurologic symptoms
signs coexist. He/she may be expired of respiratory arrest in severe cases, or permanent neurologic sequelae might persist.
We report a case of female pediatric surgical patient who received general anesthesia for Salter innominate osteotomy and had generalized convulsions following 5% dextrose administration. Sodium concentration at immediate postconvulsive period
122 mEq/L, appropriate fluid & electrolyte therapy was performed, then sodium level was successfully restored without any sequelae found.
We emphasize that it should be checked out prudently whether postoperative free water is administered in the case of postoperative convulsion, while surgical stimuli and anesthesia itself elevate serum antidiuretic hormone level
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