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KMID : 0356919980340040839
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
1998 Volume.34 No. 4 p.839 ~ p.845
Effect of Different Concentration of Fentanyl on Maintenance, Recovery and Postoperative Pain Relief in Propofol-Fentanyl-N2O Anesthesia
±æÈ£¿µ/Ho Yeong Kim
À¯ÈZ/±èÅ°ß/À̽ÂÁØ/À±¿µÁØ/Hong Seong Yoo/Tae Kyoun Kim/Seung Joon Lee/Young Joon Yoon
Anesthetics; Intravenous: fantanyl; propofol; Monitoring: mean arterial blood pressure; Complications: ceiling effect.;
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