KMID : 0356920010400040460
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2001 Volume.40 No. 4 p.460 ~ p.466
Changes in Bispectral Index during Coinduction with Intravenous Anesthetics Using Synergistic Interaction
±æÈ£¿µ/Ho Yeong Kil
¹ÚÈÆ/ÀÌÇöÈ/ÇÑÅÂÇö/½Å¼ºÀÏ/Hoon Park/Hyun wha Lee/Tae hyun Han/Sung il Shin
Anesthesia: coinduction; Anesthetics, intravenous: midazolam; propofol; thiopental; Equipment: bispectral index; monitoring device;
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