KMID : 0358920050320030531
Journal of the Korean Academy of Pedodontics 2005 Volume.32 No. 3 p.531 ~ p.536
Bang Seok-Yun
Kim Young-Jin Kim Eun-Jung Kim Hyun-Jung Nam Soon-Hyeun
Infraclusion may be defined as teeth that stop their relative occlusal movement in the dental arches during or after the period of active eruption and then remain under the occlusal plane.
Delayed exfoliation, malocclusion, increased susceptibility to dental caries and periodontal disease of both the neighboring teeth and retained molar, and dislocation of¡¯ the successor are the consequencces of infraclusion of primary molars. Therefore, early diagnosis and appropriate treatments are necessary.
The therapeutic approach of¡¯ the infracluded teeth varied from preservation to extraction. The teeth with simple infraclusion without any signs of interference with occlusal and jaw development may be examined periodically with fellow-up check and radiographically. However, if the infracluded tooth interferes with normal eruption of successor or shows any sign of delayed resorption, or the tipping of adjacent teeth or supraeruption of op-posing teeth is expected, the teeth inflicted should be extracted and appropriate measures should be provided in order to maintain the normal development of occlusion and dentition.
The adjacent teeth which have been collapsed over a infracluded deciduous teeth can disturb the arch length perimeter. In such cases, surgical approach might be necessary, although it would be difficult when teeth are severly leaned.
However, an easier surgical access have been obtained by space regaining procedures, in young patients whose arch length has been shortened due to the infracluded teeth.
Infraclusion, Decreaced arch length perimeter, Surgical extraction, Space-regaining
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