KMID : 0358920140410010018
Journal of the Korean Academy of Pedodontics 2014 Volume.41 No. 1 p.18 ~ p.26
A Survey of Non-Emergency and Emergency Deep Sedation using Sevoflurane Inhalation for Pediatric or Disabled Patients
Kim Seung-Oh
Deep sedation is considered for the dental treatment of pediatric or disabled patients who have severe anxiety or involuntary movement. Deep sedation using sevoflurane inhalation in emergency dental practice, therefore, is also preferred for fast induction and recovery. This survey consists of 121 people with pediatric or disabled patients who underwent dental treatment under deep sedation using sevoflurane inhalation from January 2013 to October 2013. Patients who were scheduled for deep sedation were classified into a non-emergency sevoflurane sedation group, whereas patients who underwent emergency sedation due to trauma and patients with disabled characteristics itself were classified into an emergency sevoflurane sedation group. Of 121 patients studied, 95 patients received dental care under non-emergency sedation, 26 patients received dental care under emergency sevoflurane sedation. The two groups were analyzed according to: gender; age; primary reason for sedation; duration of sedation; treatment time; induction methods; treatment information; and departments. Non-emergency sevoflurane sedation in pediatric or disabled patients was safe and effective for controlling the behavior. Emergency sevoflurane sedation was a useful method for younger pediatric patients with traumatic injury who need simple, short time emergency treatment. Deep sedation using sevoflurane inhalation not only will reduce the use of general anesthesia gradually but also will be a useful method to emergency treatment for pediatric or disabled patients.
Deep sedation, Sevoflurane inhalation, Pediatric or disabled patients, Non-emergency, Emergency
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