KMID : 0358920160430040467
Journal of the Korean Academy of Pedodontics 2016 Volume.43 No. 4 p.467 ~ p.472
The Canal Irrigation in Paediatric Pulpal Treatment
Cho Yong-Bum
Successful root canal treatment can be obtained by the removal of microorganisms from the pulpal space of the root canal system through biomechanical technique with instruments and irrigation. Due to the difference in the dimension of the pulpal structure such as thin wall of the root, large portion of chamber, the primary teeth should be considered in a different way of approach. Traditionally, fluids have been dispensed passively into the root canals for improve the cleansing. The use of sodium hypochlorite as an irrigant in root canal treatment is widespread and common, because it meets requirements for the ideal irrigants.
Canal Irrigation , Sodium Hypochorite , Pulpectomy
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