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KMID : 0361619700050020079
Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
1970 Volume.5 No. 2 p.79 ~ p.82
A Case of Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
ÑÑÎÃüå/Kim, Kwang-Hoe
ì°ýùâª/áÝã¯êÀ/Rhee, Hee-Soo/Sohn, Syng-Won
A case of pigmented villonodular synovitis developed it ;the right ankle joint is reported.
The patient was a 25 years old house wife who had complained marked swelling and tenderness over the anterolateral aspect of the right ankle for 2 years.
Roentgenological studies showed marked swelling of the ankle joint and erosion of the neck of the talus. Synovectomy of the affected joint was performed.
The tumor mass measuring about 7cm x 5cm X 2cm in size, was yellowish brown in colour, elastic and soft in consistency, and contained several well encapsulated nodules.
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