KMID : 0361619720070030344
Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972 Volume.7 No. 3 p.344 ~ p.346
Intraneural Ganglion of the Peroneal Nerve
äÌòÒüº/Ahn, Jin-Hwan
êäÙ¥ôÉ/à´á¦ìé/You, Myung-Chul/suk, Se-Il
A case of intraneural ganglion of the peroneal nerve in an eleven year old boy is reported.
The cystic ganglion, 5.5cmX2.0X1.0cm, which was located at the region of the bifurcation of
the peroneal nerve without communication of any joint or bursa, was excised. The ganglion was recurred at 6 weeks after the first excision.
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