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KMID : 0361619740090010137
Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
1974 Volume.9 No. 1 p.137 ~ p.140
Traumatic Winging of the Scapula Treated by Whitman¢¥s Technique

Traumatic Winging of the scapala is a rare entity.
Since first descn¢¥bed by Velpean is 183?. its surgical correction has been recommended for fna~s~ioaal sad Gametic isspcovemen¢¥t.
In chose cases, surgical correction was performed by Whitman¢¥s tcchaique in which a fascial sling ,-~a ~tLeae rase% surgical correction iPas performed ¢¥ `is na`ed~ tQ_ replace the low of the Seriatus Anterior muscle. ~ "- " _ -
Patoperative resalts~were~relatively satisfactory.
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