KMID : 0361619760110040736
Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976 Volume.11 No. 4 p.736 ~ p.740
The Traumatic False Aneurysm of Rt Femoral Artery
A 42 years old male with the traumatic flare aneurysm that occurred in righf femoral artery after injury of knife was reported at the department of Orthopedic surgery of Hanyang University Hospital.
In this case, a false aneurysmal sac was located at the anterolateral aspect of right femoral artery just below the sartorius muscle, and repaired by resection of sac and interrupted suture of arterial wall with 6~0 silk. The¢¥ postoperative result was good, and there has been no evidence of recurrence.
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