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KMID : 0362719830210050356
The Journal of the Korean Dental Association
1983 Volume.21 No. 5 p.356 ~ p.356
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The author studied on clinical analysis of 106 cases of osteomyelitis of the jaw during past 3 years (1979, 3-1982,6) in Dep. of Oral Surgery, SNUH.
The results were obtained as follows.
1. The incidence was the highest in the twenties (30.4%) and the ratio of incidence between men and women was 7:4.
2. The mean duration;of symptoms was 12.3 months.
3. The common etiologic factor was odontogenic infection (76.4%) and the involvement of causative tooth were lower 3rd molar (38.1%), lower 1st molar (22.9), lower 2nd molar (15.3%) in orders.
4. Most common symptoms were swelling (75 cases), pain (66 cases) and followed by pus formation, trismus and tenderness.
5. 98 cases were found in lower jaw, and 8 cases in upper jaw. 38.9% of all cases were located at the mandibular angle portion comprising alveolar region of 3rd molar.
6. Most of cases revealed destruction of bone (80 cases) in radiographic examination and chronic nonspecific inflammation (70.7%) in histopathologic examination. ESR (28.8mm/hr) was moderately elevated but 62.1% of WBC count patient were within normal limit.
7. The distrubution of causative microorganisms were Streptococcus hemoliticus (8 cases) Staphylococcus aureus (4 cases) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (3 cases) in orders. 8 cases of negative result were suspected infection due to anaerobic microorganisms.
8. Methods of surgical intervention were used; Extraction of causative teeth, Decortication, I & D, curretage, Debridement of subperiosteal new bone and Sequestrectomy with antimicrobial agent, single or combined.
9. The mean duration of treatment was 3.0 months.
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