KMID : 0363719790120020129
Korean Journal of Anatomy 1979 Volume.12 No. 2 p.129 ~ p.136
±ÇÈï½Ä/Kwun, H.S.
ÃÖ¿ùºÀ/Á¤Áø¿õ/¾ÈÀÇÅÂ/±èÀçºÀ/°íÁ¤½Ä/Choi, W.B./Chung, J.W./Ahn, E.T./Kim, J.B./Ko, J.S.
An ultrastructural study has been made for the establishment of classifying criteria for 6 glandular cell types in the rat adenohypophysis. Adult female rats (200-260 gm, B.W.) were perfused with 1% paraformaldehyde - 1% glutaraldehyde solution under nembutol anesthesia.
Blocks from adenohypophysis were immersed in 1% osmium tetroxide ¢¥solution, which were followed by series of dehydration and embedding in araldite mixture. Ultrathin sections, made with LKB- j ultramicrotome, were contrasted with uranyl acetate-lead citrate and observed with JEM 100B microscope.
Differentiating criteria for each glandular cell types are as follows:
1. STH cells: It.has generally dark cytoplasm and round, electron dense granules of
relatively even size (250-300 nm) . -
2. Mammotrophs: Dark cells. It contains large and irregular granules (300 nm x 600 nm) . 3. LH cells: Dark cells. It contains round, but relatively ;vahiable sized granules (100¡þ
300nm). Note they contain smallest granules among dark cells.
4..FSH cells: It has generally light cytoplasm and contain variable sized round granules
(100-300 nm). Cytoplasm contains dilated sac-like endoplasmic reticulum. LH cells also has
similar granules, but their cytoplasm are dark.
5. TSH cells: Light cells. Small, round and even sized granules (110-120 nm) are eccen¡þtrically located within cytoplasm, and 2-3 rows of granules are lined up beneath the plasma membrane.
6. ACTH cells: They have the lightest cytoplasm and only a few small, round granules (100-120 nm) . Granules are lined up as a single row beneath the plasma membrane.
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