KMID : 0370919950120020203
Yeungnam Univercity Journal of Medicine 1995 Volume.12 No. 2 p.203 ~ p.209
Treatment Planning Correction Using MRI in the Radiotherapy of Cervical Cancer
Shin Se-One
Cho Kil-Ho Park Chan-Won
Purpose: To evaluate the role of MRI in the management of cervical cancer treated by conventional four-field whole pelvic irradiation.
Method and material: Between 1993-march and 1994-february, 20 patients(4 Stage I B, 3 Stage U A, 13 Stage U B) with invasive cervical cancer were eligible for evaluation of accuracy of conventionally designed lateral treatment field without MRI determination.
Results: 5 out of 20 Patients had inadequate margin without MRI. The position of uterine fundus was more important than cervix in correction of field size and the center of treatment field.
Conclusion: This Preliminary date show MRI determination of uterine position prior to radiotherapy planning is essential in the case of four-field whole pelvic irradiation technique.
MRI, Conventional radiotherapy planning, Four-field whole pelvic irradiation, Field correction
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