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KMID : 0376219640010020143
Chonnam Medical Journal
1964 Volume.1 No. 2 p.143 ~ p.149
Distribution of Radioactive Phosphorus in the Ocular Tissue

Employing mice, distribution of radioactive phosphorus and some effects of it on the ocular tissue were observed by autoradiographic method.
To the mouse 1§¡/gm body weight of radiocative P32(H©üP32O©þin isotonic solution, Specific activeity 1§¡/ml, Carrier free) was injected intraperitoneally and the eye balls were enucleated in pre-scheduled time intervals, the 15m frozen sections of the eye ball were prepared to make the autoradiographic with Kodak fine-grain autoradiographic stripping AR-10 plate.
The results were as follows:
1. The invasion into the eye ball of P32 was observed to occur chiefly via diffusion through the vascular wall, and the precipitation was marked from 30 minutes of injection in the iris, ciliary body, choroid, inner layer of retina and optic nerve, while it was less marked in the anterior and equator region of the lens cortex.
2. In the cornea, 30 minutes after injection, precipitation of P32 occurred chiefly in the inner layer of the cornea, but from 1 hour after injection it could be observed mainly in the stroma and epithelial layer.
3. In the lens, 1 to 3 days after injection, there could be observed the vacuole formation especially in the equator region, though the small amout of precipitation could be traced in the anterior and equaor region of the cortex.
4. In the retina, the marked accumulation was found only at the inner region from the outer molecular layer.
5. The precipitation of P32 in the ocular tissue was observed to gradually disappear from the 7th day of injection.
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