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KMID : 0378019900330050083
New Medical Journal
1990 Volume.33 No. 5 p.83 ~ p.87
Clinical study of Ranicef

Ranicef is a new synthetic cephalosporine C derivative, which has sulfoethyl pyriden: ring at its 3rd limb and imidazole ring at its 7th limb. Ranicef has a potent antibacterial act¢¥ ities by destroying and inhibition of production of the bacterial wall. It also augements the function of macrophage and neutrophyls by linking with serum complement system. Ranif of is stable in presence of ©¬-lactamase, penicillinase, cephalosporinase and has a potent antibacterial effect to the pathogens such as Indole (+) proteus, Enterobacter, Serratia, Citrabact.r, P. aeruginosa, P.maltophilia, H. influenza and anaerobes.
On clinical study of Ranicef in the field of thoracic and cardiovascular cases, we sei.. ted randomly 22 patients, 15 male and 7 female, age from 17 to 67, in the period from Nov. 1 989 to Jan. 1990
Among the total 22 patients, 15 was infected (11 empyema thoracis, 4 pneumonia) . d 7 was not infected but was in poor condition preoperatively.
Of the 15 infected cases, 10 cases were culture positive (6 Staphylococcus epidermidies aphylococcus aureus,3 Pseudomonas aeruginosa,l Serratia specis).
The result of Ranicef treatment was subgrouped as Excellent, Effective and Failure. Criteria of therapeutic result was improvement of symptoms and signs, microbiologic find gs. 9 cases were Excellent (improvement of symptoms, signs, negative conversion of cultured pathogen) and 5 were Effective (improvement of symptom, signs, laboratory datas) . . 1 was Failure (continuous cultured pathogen) in infected group. And all 7 cases of preoperatively non infected group was Effective as prophylactic antibiotic therapy. Overall effective ratio was 95% in both subgroups.
There was no side effect in clinical and laboratory study including liver, kidney and tone marrow function test during and after treatment.
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