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KMID : 0378119850120020421
Chungnam Medical Journal
1985 Volume.12 No. 2 p.421 ~ p.435
Phenomenological Study of Schizophrenia

This study was attempted to investigate the echizophrenic phenoment : symptoms, psychological impairment, and diagnosis and treatment, systematically and objectively. 72 schigophrenic patients(43. males, 29 females) on Screening Schedule were applied Present State Examination, Psychological Impairment Rating Schedule, Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, Diagnostic and Prognostic Schedule, and tried factor analysis with statistical package for the social sciences based on the scores of each item.
The results of factor analysis of the schizophrenic phenomenology were summarized as following 4 factors :
Factor 1 was composed of psychological impairments in activity/withdrawal, social skills and negative symptoms, naming psychological impairment associated with negative symptom factor, factor 2 was composed of neurotic symptoms, psychotic symptoms and other psychotic symptoms in Present State Examination and pure psychotic symptoms, naming overt psychotic symptom factor, factor 3 was composed of remission or exacervation of psychosis with or without personality change during following 5 rears, naming long-term prognosis factor, factor 4 was composed of the occupational capacity and the level of family/household functioning during folio-wing 12 months as capable to work under sheltered condition only and mildly impaired, naming social impairment factor.
From the stove results, it was suggested that these factors were the concentration of the schizophrenic phenomena.
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