KMID : 0384020080190010016
Journal of the Korean Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 2008 Volume.19 No. 1 p.16 ~ p.20
Voice Outcome after Partial Laryngectomy
Sun Dong-Il
Excising part or all part of a larynx as a cancer operation results in changes that transgress anatomic, physiologic, psychologic, and social priciples. The quality of life of a patient¡¯s life after any given cancer surgery usually is regarded as a second-priority consideration after oncologic safety. With laryngeal surgery, excision of malignant disease typically results in change that significantly influence an individual for the duration of his or her life. Nonetheless, with appropriate rehabilitation the surgical side effects can be minimized to allow for an excellent quality of life. Successful conservation surgery for laryngeal cancer requires careful interdependent selection for patients, lesions and procedure. The technical goal is to minimize trauma to uninvolved tissue and to wisely utilized local tissues or tree flap for reconstruction, while insuring for oncologically sound procedure. Rehabilitation should aim to produce a glottal sound source if possible, however voice therapy to promote false vocal fold vibration and arytenoid to epiglottis source of vibration can produce very satisfactory phonatory results.
Conservation laryngeal surgery, Laryngeal cancer, Voice
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