KMID : 0387919940050010071
Korean Journal of Cytopathology 1994 Volume.5 No. 1 p.71 ~ p.73
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma of Urinary Bladder Diagnosed by Urine Cytology
Rhabdomyosarcomas are found mainly in young patients. but rare in adults. A correlated cytological and histologic study of one case of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is presented. The cytologic appearance of the urine smear corresponded
with the histologic findings. Cytologically. two main cell types were distinguished: a predominant primitive, small round cell with scant cytoplasm and a large cell with abundant cytoplasm. The cytologic feature proving rhabdomyoblastic
differenti-ation, suck as cross-striation was absent.
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