KMID : 0387919950060020179
Korean Journal of Cytopathology 1995 Volume.6 No. 2 p.179 ~ p.182
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Parapharyngeal Ganglioneuroma
Ganglioneuromas are a fully differentiated tumor that contains no immature elements.
The majority of ganglioneuromas are diagnosed in patients older than 10 years and are most often located in the posterior mediastinum. followed by the retroperitoneum. The location of these tumors in the parapharyngeal region is extremely
and there are only a few reports on the cytologic appearance of the tumor.
We report a case of ganglioneuroma presenting in a parapharyngeal location in a 4 year-old boy, diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology. The smears revealed scattered large oval to polygonal cells with voluminous, granular cytoplasms. The
were one to two in number and had a prominent nucleolus. Clusters of benign spindie-shaped cells were also present.
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