KMID : 0438619930170020147
Journal of Oral Biology 1993 Volume.17 No. 2 p.147 ~ p.153
The Effect of Angiotensin ¥² on the Lidocaine Contents after Infiltration Anesthesia in the Palatal Mucosa of Rat
Lee, Han-Wouk
Kim, Kyung-Nyun/Kim, Joong-Soo/Lee, Jong-Heun
Lidocaine is the most widely used local anesthetic agent. The acting duration of local anesthesia is dependent pon the concentration of local anesthrtic agent in the tissue, so it is possibte to obtain more prolonged acting duration of lidocaine when administers it with vasoconstrictors by slowing the clearance rate of lidocaine. This study was performed to clarify the efffct of angiotensin ¥± (Ang ¥±), as a vasoconstrictor, on the lidocaine contents of the tissue after infiltration anesthesia, and to compare the results with that of epinephrine, and to evaluate the possibility of Ang ¥± as a vasoconstrictor of lidocaine in clinical use. In generally anesthetized Spragve-Dawley rats, thr influence of epinephrine and Ang ¥± on the contents of lidocaine in palatal mucosa after infltratioa were determined. The contents of lidocaine thar remained in tissues decreasr with time. Except 30 minutes after infiltration, the lidocaine content of Ang ¥± (10O ng/§¢) cembined group was not different from control greup significanly. The epinephrine combined group show signicantly higher lidocaine contents than the other group at 30, 60 minutes after infiltration. However, at 120 minutes after infiltration, the lidecaine content of each group were not different. In Ang ¥± combined groups, the lidecaine contents at 60 minutes after injection were increased with Ang ¥± dose dependent manner.
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