Cerebrovascular accident has been a important clinical entity particularly in neurosurgical field during the past decades.
The management of the disease, however, has been one of most difficult problem in many clinics because such disease happened so suddenly that the quick transportation to the hospital and adequate emergency care has not been carried out before the patient expired. Mortalily of C.V.A., thus, is very high particularly in case of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. In the past 3 years, 100 cases of cases of cerebrovascular accident were observed in Asia Neurosurgical Hospital. Male is more predominantly affected than female. Out of total 100 cases of the C. V. A., 65 cases were thrombosis, 33 patients were subarachnoid hemorrhage and only 2 cases were lntracerebral hemorrhage. Most frequent age incidence termed to be in the group, 50¡59 year¡ªold, next to this cadegory belongs to the age over 60. Majority of the case in cerebral hemorrhage revealed to have loss of consciousness associated with severe headache, vomiting, neckstiffness and bloody cerebrospinal fluid. In case of cerebral thrombosis, there showed some mental drawsiness, not associated with sever headache. In the management and first aid treatment, making the correct diagnosis whether the patient has hemorrhage or thrombosis is most important for doctors and nurses before the adequate treatment started. All cases were treated under closed nursing care until the condition of the patient showed to be improved.