KMID : 0896219810050010155
Journal of Daegu Health College 1981 Volume.5 No. 1 p.155 ~ p.170
A Study on Mathematical Physics of a Computed Tomographic Image
Nam Sang-Hee
Song Jae-Kwan Cho Joon-Suk
The basic principle behind computed tomography is that the internal structure of an object can be reconstructed from multiple projections of the object. The mathematical methods is to produce an accruate cross-sectional display of the linear attenuation coeffidients of each element in the image matrix. This mathematical methods of image reconstruction are described : 1. Back-projection (Sumation method) 2. Iterative methods(Algebraic reconstruction tehnique) 3. Analytical methods (Fourier transformation) We will only attempt a pictorial explanation of the two popular analytic methods, which are two - dimensional fourier analysis and filtered back projection. The basic of fourier analysis is that any function of time or space can be represented by the sum of various projection data. This type of mathematical manipulation is easily and quickly processed in a computer. The reconstruction is a little more complex for a two-dimensional image such as a CT, but the basic principle is the same.
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