KMID : 0904520150380010225
Health and Medical Sociology 2015 Volume.38 No. 1 p.225 ~ p.245
Medicalization of Misery : Critical Realistic Consideration on Sewolho Trauma
Kim Myung-Hee
This paper critically considers discourses on ¡°Sewolho Trauma¡± caused by the April 16 disaster that drove Korean society into shock and grief. There are two incorrect logical premises in the ¡°Sewolho Trauma¡± discourses, led by ¡°the Accident-Compensation Frame¡±. First, diagnosing ¡°Trauma¡± as a response to a shocking event by separate individuals, the PTSD discourse overlooks the fact that ¡°Sewolho Trauma¡± is a collective/cultural trauma, not solely the trauma of the survivors and bereaved families. Second, the psychiatric healing discourse focusing on disease-based symptoms of individuals ignores the context of causation inside of the ¡°event-structure-recognition-action¡± dynamic at the core of the production and reproduction of trauma. As a result, this superficial diagnosis could lead to an incomplete, commercialized remedy to collective social misery. The critical realist perspective taken by this paper along with the results of theoretical/empirical trauma studies provide the meaningful insight both on the diagnostic mistakes inherent in ¡°the Accident-Compensation Frame¡± and the trauma process in the post-Sewol Ferry disaster.
Sewolho Trauma, Cultural Trauma, Social Suffering, Medicalization of Misery, Critical Realism
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