KMID : 0904520170440010005
Health and Medical Sociology 2017 Volume.44 No. 1 p.5 ~ p.43
Theoretical Reconstruction of the Concept of Social Well-being
Lee Jae-Yeol
Park Sang-Hee
In this paper the authors attempt a theoretical reconstruction of the concept of ¡®social well-being¡¯ so that it can be applied to empirical analysis. In Korean society, despite the remarkable economic growth and democratization, the paradox of affluence and the paradox of democratization are obvious in the overflowing social discourse on distrust, discontent, and anxiety. This suggests that there is a close connection between the structural tension created by the compressed social change and the physical and mental health of individuals. The interconnection among society, mental, and health provides an interesting angle for reviewing three major interlocking areas, such as mental health, sociology of heart (as mentalite), and social quality (as societal-level soundness). Thus the issue of social well-being is an interlocking area among the three elements of the society, mentality, and health. Based on a systematic review of previous research, this paper proposes a 4-domain model of social well-being. Four domains of social well-being, such as body, mind, heart, and spirit correspond to four capacities, such as, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The authors explain the dynamics of the social well-being, and explores the theoretical and practical implications for further empirical researches.
Social well-being, Sociology of heart, Health, Social quality
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