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KMID : 0948920110100010064
Clinical Pain
2011 Volume.10 No. 1 p.64 ~ p.68
Comprehensive Rehabilitation in a Patient with Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome Who Visited with Heel Ulcer -A Case Report-
Ko Moon-Ju

Kang Min-Jae
Hwang Ji-Hye
Radiation fibrosis syndrome (RFS) is a rare late complication of cancer therapy that may be characterized as progressive fibrotic sclerosis of the tissues. Radiation can damage any tissue type, including skin, muscle, ligament, tendon, nerve, viscera, and even bone. We experienced a case of 68 year old woman with RFS, who has a chief complaint of heel ulcer and gait disturbance. In addition, the patient exhibited right leg lymphedema, and complained of urinary and fecal incontinence. We treated neuropathic heel ulcer due to radiation-induced sacral plexopathy, especially through mechanical off-loading by objective plantar pressure analysis (EMED-st 065 system). A comprehensive rehabilitation programs which included gait training, complex decongestive physiotherapy, bladder and bowel management was administered. After four weeks, the patient¡¯s heel ulcer was markedly improved.
Radiation fibrosis syndrome, Neuropathic ulcer, Mechanical off-loading
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