KMID : 0950619940030010043
Journanl of Allied Health Sciences 1994 Volume.3 No. 1 p.43 ~ p.60
Management and Treatment of Medical Waste in Developed Countries
Lee Chang-Kyu
Whang Sun-Chul
It is generally acceptable theory from the various sources of reports that the amount of house hold waste produced and the standard of civilization are reversely proportional, and on the contrary, the proportion of its nodical waste is found to be directly related with the economic standard of the country.
However, the medical waste of Korea are way below level of developed countries while household waste are exceedingly overwhelmed that of the countries, according to government reports and other research sources.
One hopeful factor the house hold waste is substantially decreasing is due to replacement of charcoal, which had been used as energy sources from floor heating to cooking in most of houses in the country, to oil, liquid gas and electricity. The annual production of medical waste is slowly emerging to the public with help of tightening regulations and laws, but the exact amount of them are still remain uncertain mainly because of money saving way of management of the waste.
Handling and treatment of medical waste of developed countries are regulated very strictly by the government and environment concerned NGOs. The study is focuesd to glance the medical waste policy and its manageaent of newly emerged economic giant Japan and other western countries.
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