KMID : 1206219980050040777
Journal of Korean Academy of Physical Therapy Science 1998 Volume.5 No. 4 p.777 ~ p.784
An analysis of determining factor for frozen shoulder patients diagnosis and treatment of physical therapists
Oh Young-Taek
Kim Gi-Won Kwon Hyuk-Cheol
The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnosis and treatment patterns for frozen shoulder patients. It was used Delphi survey techniques and the subjects were 35 expect physical therapists who agreed participated in the study. The data were analyzed by the x2-test at 0.05 level of statistical significance. The results were as follows : 1. In accordance with open ended question, 11 diagnosis and 14 treatment are collected in the first investigation. 2. In accordance with close ended question, they were selected 5 diagnosis and 5 treatments criteria from the results of the first replied questionnaire. 3. Finally, the third close ended questionnaire, they were selected 3 main driteria of the diagnosis and treatments from the results of the second investigation. The physical therapists prefer to 1) History 2) ROM test 3) Palpation & Inspection in the diagnostic field, and 1) EST and Convex-Concave rule 2) Codman¡¯s exercise and MFR 3) Deep friction massage in the treatment field.
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